
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

drugs addicions - The Territory of teens while looking for identity

Drug abuse has always been in associate with teens, in the teens this is a very easy to get drugs into a person's life, a strong curiosity to be the reason why the presentation in drug abuse among teens is increasing.

When one is growing up (teens) was a time when the person was looking for identity, in this process allows the teens to try different things that they find interesting.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

drug abuse facts - parent need to know!

News of teens abusing drugs is not foreign again for us, but parents do not even think about why teens begin taking drugs, whether their parents also know what type of drug known children for the first time? And whether you will be aware of changes that occur when your child starts taking drugs?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

drug addictions - Avoiding the early use of drugs abuse

Drug abuse among teens increasingly worrying, recenty,Drug Abuse Research center in Canada found a facts very awful, according to a survey of drug abuse among adolescents increased from 41% to 52%, including alcohol and cannabis users, but statistics users marijuana is lower than the use of alcohol, marijuana users in last month increased from 15% to 27% among adolescent marijuana users in the State.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Prevent Drug Addiction with "a warm affection form parents"!

Drug addiction, what do you think of when you hear the words "drug addiction"? Or what kind of response when looking at someone who is drugs addictions? Especially if it happened to one of your family or your child, sure you'll be really sad right?